
In Zimbabwe, procurement within local government is critical as it directly impacts service delivery to citizens by ensuring the efficient and cost-effective acquisition of necessary goods and services, acting as a key tool for good governance, promoting transparency, and enabling the responsible use of public funds, particularly when managing large budgets allocated to local authoritiesessentially, it is a crucial mechanism to deliver essential public services to the community while upholding accountability and value for money principles.

Key aspects of the importance of local government procurement in Zimbabwe

Efficient Service Delivery

Procurement enables local governments to acquire necessary items like infrastructure materials, equipment, and professional services, which are vital for delivering public services like water supply, sanitation, waste management, and public transportation.

Value for Money

By implementing competitive bidding processes and proper evaluation criteria, procurement can ensure that local governments get the best possible value for their public funds, avoiding unnecessary overspending.

Economic Development

Local procurement can contribute to economic growth by supporting local businesses and creating employment opportunities within the community.

Compliance with Regulations:

Adhering to the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) guidelines ensures that procurement activities are carried out legally and ethically.

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procurement department plays a vital role in managing costs and achieving cost savings